Deep Thought is the name of the supercomputer in Douglas Adams' science fiction novel A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. This supercomputer had been built by an intelligent species to get an answer to the intriguing question of the meaning of life, the universe and all the rest. When the supercomputer spit out the answer “42” after several million years of computing time, the commissioners were dissatisfied and had an even bigger computer built to better understand the question posed. Consequently, deals with the fundamental questions about life, the universe and all the rest. In our German mother tongue, the term Welträtsel has become established for these fundamental issues of our understanding of the world, which we use for the German edition welträ

Welträtsel (engl. 'Grand Enigmas') represent the fundamental questions that remain still unresolved in mankind's understanding of the world. Where does life come from? How arises consciousness in the brain? What is the true nature of time?

So far, science fails to give answers to many of those fundamental questions. Even worse, scientists have withdrawn themselves from the grand enigmas in favour of a multitude of lesser relevant problems. It seems that only some individuals outside the scientific community are still thinking about these fundamental issues. The authors of this website count themselves among those few. We want to draw attention to these grand enigmas again, ideally to put them back on the scientific agenda. There are plenty of mysteries that are still unravelled.Beyond that, we want to draw attention to contradictions and anomalies in the established scientific theories. We suspect that the keys to a better understanding of the world can be found there.

We believe that we can make a contribution to solving some of the grand enigmas and unravelled mysteries. To do this, we use a range of self-developed approaches that we designed to systematically examine problems and identify possible solutions. Over time, we will present these approaches on and apply them to unsolved scientific questions

A request to our readers

On this website, we present many ideas and new approaches for many different branches of science that you will not find anywhere else. Our publication here makes them available to you for further use. However, this does not mean that we relinquish our intellectual authorship and copyright. Just as we, for our part, name the sources on which we have built upon, we expect you to refer to us as intellectual source. Each article here names the author(s) and the publication date, possibly also a version reference, which we use for important content revisions. Please use this information and the URL of the respective article when citing.

Thank you very much!

The editors