The critical observer is left with the impression that cosmology today is in a similar situation as it was at the time of the epicycle theory. In order to keep the observational data in line with the generally accepted laws of physics, hypothetical auxiliary assumptions such as dark matter and dark energy have been introduced for which there is no direct evidence. This situation is extremely questionable from an epistemological point of view. It is reasonable to suspect that the common interpretations of essential astronomical observations have led us astray. We therefore want to see if alternative interpretations can be found for the astronomical observations that are central to our current cosmology, which open up other paths.
Let's start with the red shift. Edwin Hubble (1889-1953) was the first to observe that the light from distant cosmic objects is strangely shifted towards the red color spectrum. The further away an observed object is from us, the stronger this red shift is. This phenomenon can be regarded as a very well-established fact of observation. But how can the phenomenon be interpreted and explained? The common interpretation is based on the Doppler effect, which states that the wavelength of a light or sound source increases when the source moves away from the receiver, while the wavelength shortens when the source moves towards the receiver. In everyday life, we encounter this effect when a police car or fire engine drives past us, whose “Tatütata” signal has a higher pitch as the car speeds towards us and a lower pitch as it moves away from us. Similarly, Hubble concluded from the astronomical observation data that the escape velocity of cosmic objects is greater the further away they are from us. This leads to the currently accepted idea that our universe has expanded over the course of its history and that all matter was initially concentrated in a very small space - the Big Bang.
The interpretation of the red shift of light from distant cosmic objects as a Doppler effect is undoubtedly obvious and plausible, but by no means without alternative. Other conceivable explanations are based on the fact that the light we observe not only comes from very distant sources, but was also emitted a very long time ago. If time and length scales have shifted in the course of cosmic evolution, it could be that identical length scales are shorter today and that clocks work differently. Ancient light would then appear to us to have longer wavelengths and be red-shifted compared to the spectral lines generated today. This idea may take some getting used to. But it is not as absurd as it may sound at first.
Changes in time and length scales also occur in the special and general theory of relativity: If you move at high speed or come close to a large mass, the length scales become shorter and the clocks run more slowly. For a photon moving at the speed of light, time even stands still completely. A photon therefore virtually preserves the state at the time of its creation. Our thought experiment on the twin paradox has now shown that the flow of time is accompanied by a change in the effect value S = E * t. For a photon, time is frozen at the time T of its creation. Consequently, its effect value can only change if the value for its energy content E changes.
The longer ago a photon was created, the more its energy content must have changed. The observed red shift would therefore be directly related to the flow of time and not to the expansion of space. Whether this speculative hypothesis, that the observed red shift of light is due to the age of the light and not to the great distance of the source, is correct would have to be tested experimentally.
Another key observation concerns the rotational speed of galaxies. Astronomers have found that stars in the outer fringes of galaxies move around the center of their galaxy much faster than expected. For these stars to remain on their observed orbits around the center of the galaxy, there would have to be significantly more mass in the galaxies than can be inferred from the number of visible stars. To explain this anomaly, a hypothetical invisible dark matter is assumed. According to the law of gravity, there should be far more mass in the dark matter than in the visible stars. What this dark matter is supposed to consist of, however, is an open mystery. On the one hand, there are speculations about as yet unknown particles that have a large mass but otherwise do not interact with matter. On the other hand, German astronomer Günther Hasinger suspects that dark matter is caused by a large number of black holes of various sizes that were created in the early stages of the universe, and are therefore called "primordial black holes". Last but not least, a small group of astronomers is considering a modification of Newtonian dynamics (MOND theory), which assumes a small basic acceleration of the order of 10-10 m/s2 throughout the universe. im gesamten Universum unterstellt.
Our speculative considerations about the origin of the constants of nature give rise to a completely different explanation for the observed increase in the speed of rotation at the edges of galaxies. If the universe as a whole is rotating, there must (apparently) be a centrifugal acceleration acting in space. Large objects such as galaxies should therefore move faster at the edges than they would without the overall rotation of the universe. In fact, it is not the stars in the outer regions of the galaxies that are moving too fast, but the light on its way to us is deflected in the direction of time by the overall rotation of the universe, giving the impression that the stars are moving too fast.
Another headache for cosmologists is the problem of so-called fine-tuning. According to this, many parameters that have an influence on cosmological development must have been very finely tuned in order for a universe like the one we observe to come into being. If the parameters were chosen at random, it would be extremely unlikely that a universe like ours would emerge. In our opinion, this finding strongly suggests that there must be internal connections between the cosmological parameters that are currently assumed to be independent, which have so far remained hidden from us. For example, we are convinced that the values for natural constants such as c, h and G are not random, but are related to properties of the universe such as its total mass and its rotation. Moreover, our reconstruction of relativistic mechanics has led to the hypothesis that the rest mass of an object results from the potential energy in the gravitational field of all other masses, which would have massive implications on cosmic scales. In particular, the astronomical observations on the expansion of the universe, which led to the assumption of dark energy, would have to be reinterpreted.
In general, it can be said that if the considerations we have presented were fully or even partially correct, all of the cosmological evolutionary models in use today would be obsolete. Presumably, much of the astronomical observational data of recent decades would have to be re-evaluated and interpreted completely differently.
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