• Stone Rows at Carnac

    The stone rows of Carnac are a well-known tourist attraction in Brittany. But what was the primary purpose of this Stone Age monument?

  • Explanations for Carnac's Stone Rows

    There are many speculations about Carnac's stones rows. Which interpretation is the most convincing?

  • Carnac as War Memorial

    The construction of the stone rows at Carnac must have been an enormous effort for the people of the time. Such a feat requires a large tribal group that was able and willing to coordinate its activities. And there must have been an outstanding reason to create such a special structure.

  • Merrivale Prehistoric Site

    The prehistoric site of Merrivale on Dartmoor in southern England is less well-known than Stonehenge or Carnac, but it has no less to offer: Visitors can marvel at stone circles and stone rows, several menhirs, a burial chamber, a large number of foundations of ancient huts and a kilometer-long embankment.