• Four-dimensional Topology of the Universe

    Werner Ahrendt and Tom Becker attribute the puzzling phenomenon that most elementary particles are identical to themselves only after a 720° rotation to a four-dimensional shape of the universe.

  • Topology of the Universe

    Classical mechanics is based on the everyday understanding of space and time that everyone can observe. According to it, space and time form the stage of world events, where space is three-dimensional, homogeneous, and isotropic in all directions. Time is one-dimensional and progresses uniformly.

  • Solving the Cosmological Problems

    The critical observer is left with the impression that cosmology today is in a similar situation as it was at the time of the epicycle theory. In order to keep the observational data in line with the generally accepted laws of physics, hypothetical auxiliary assumptions such as dark matter and dark energy have been introduced for which there is no direct evidence. This situation is extremely questionable from an epistemological point of view. It is reasonable to suspect that the common

  • Rekonstruktion der relativistischen Mechanik

    Die relativistische Mechanik lässt sich mittels eines vierdimensionalen Energie-Vektors reformulieren, sodass analog zur klassischen Mechanik sowohl gleichförmige als auch beschleunigte Bewegungen mit dem gleichen mathematischen Formalismus beschrieben werden können.

  • Age-dependent Red Shift of Light

    The aim is to test whether the cosmological redshift is due to the relative movement of the light source, distance or to the age of the light. If it were an age-dependent effect, the cosmological assumption of an expanding universe would have to be reconsidered.