The goal of the experiment is to test whether photons created during the pair formation of a specific particle-antiparticle pair form the same particle-antiparticle pair again during the pair formation. A positive result of the experiment would indicate that there are different subtypes of photons that differ in the particle-antiparticle pair they are made of.
Our model, which reduces the known elementary particles of the standard model to a single universal elementary particle, describes the interaction bosons as couplings of two fermions. Photons would therefore consist of a fermion and its corresponding antiparticle, which are connected by an as yet unknown coupling mechanism. If this model is correct, there should be different subtypes of photons that differ in which particle-antiparticle pair they consist of.
In pair radiation, a particle and its antiparticle collide and annihilate each other to form two high-energy photons. In the reverse process of pair production, a high-energy photon can be converted into a particle and its antiparticle in the presence of a third particle (e.g. an atomic nucleus). Pair formation was first observed for electrons and positrons, but is also known for muons and antimuons or protons and antiprotons. For reasons of energy conservation, the energy of the photon must be at least twice the rest energy of the generated particle in order for the particle-antiparticle pair to form.
Our model considerations suggest that an electron-positron pair cannot be formed from a photon that was created by the pair radiation of a quark and the corresponding antiquark. This is because, according to our model, the particle that was involved in the formation of the photon and the particle that is later formed from this photon must be identical in terms of their electrical charge. However, our model would allow an electron-positron pair to be formed from a photon that was formed by the annihilation of a muon-antimuon pair, as the charge values are the same in both cases. As far as we know, however, the question of whether photons that were formed by the pair radiation of a certain particle-antiparticle pair form the same particle-antiparticle pair again when a pair is formed has not yet been investigated experimentally.
The prerequisite for an experimental clarification would be the “pure” generation of photons, which are produced exclusively by a specific annihilation reaction of a particle with its antiparticle. For example, photons from the pair annihilation of muons and antimuons (electrical charge corresponds to the elementary charge) and photons from the pair annihilation of a quark and its antiquark (electrical charge of 1/3 or 2/3 of the elementary charge) would be required. It is known that such pair annihilation reactions can be realized in particle accelerators; whether a “pure” separation of photons is possible would have to be assessed by particle physicists.
In a second step, particle-antiparticle pairs would have to be generated and detected from the separated photons by interaction with matter. This task should be solvable using state-of-the-art technology. Alternatively, it would also be conceivable to try to “tear apart” the photons in strong electric fields and determine the resulting particle-antiparticle pairs.
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