• Building Blocks of the World

    The ancient Greeks already had the idea that the diversity of phenomena in the world could be traced back to indivisible atoms, the combination of which makes up the various substances in our everyday world. Indeed, chemists in the 18th and 19th centuries were able to trace all substances back to 92 different types of atoms. However, it turned out that atoms are not really indivisible but are made up of even smaller components, the electrons in the atomic shell and the protons and neutrons

  • Equivalence of Mass and Rotational Energy of the Spin

    The calculations used in textbooks to determine the rotational energy associated with spin implicitly assume that elementary particles have mass even without spin. These calculations lead to contradictions with known physical facts - depending on the calculation approach, the particle would have to rotate faster than light, or the rotational energy of the spin would be greater than the energy equivalent of the particle's mass at rest.

    Standard physics knows no way out of these

  • Rekonstruktion der relativistischen Mechanik

    Die relativistische Mechanik lässt sich mittels eines vierdimensionalen Energie-Vektors reformulieren, sodass analog zur klassischen Mechanik sowohl gleichförmige als auch beschleunigte Bewegungen mit dem gleichen mathematischen Formalismus beschrieben werden können.

  • Change in Mass in the Gravitational Field

    It is to be tested whether the mass at rest of a specimen is dependent on the strength of the gravitational field in which the specimen is located. The aim is to prove that an increase in the potential energy in the gravitational field is equivalent to a change in the energy at rest of m0*c2.